Making Of The Productive Cities



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城市设计的任务不仅在于塑造城市风貌,更在于通过设计,营造有生产力的城市。在这次讲座中,法兰奇曼教授(Professor Dennis Frenchman)与钱坤(塔科玛城市设计团队)分享其城市设计思想体系与项目案例。本次对谈嘉宾包括张宇星博士。

Professor Dennis Frenchman

Dennis Frenchman is the Class of 1922 Professor of Urban Design and Planning at MIT, where he is Director of the Center for Real Estate in the School of Architecture and Planning. He is also faculty director of DesignX, the school's program for accelerating innovation in design cities, and the human environment. Professor Frenchman has taught and practiced extensively in Asia, Europe, and South America and served as External Advisor on urban livability to the President of the World Bank. As an architect and city designer, he has a distinguished record of practice, most recently as senior principal of Tekuma Frenchman Urban Design LLC, with projects in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.



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