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Climate change is felt most profoundly through water impacts, whether too much or too little. And while more and more people are living in cities, often located on rivers or on the coast, with longer periods of drought, massive subsidence due to groundwater extraction and heavy rains coupled with coastal geography, these cities become increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Traditional projects and interventions cannot keep pace with the impact of climate change on global water supplies. A new approach is needed, by design.
欧文克(Henk Ovink)
欧文克也是美国Rebuild by Design的项目负责人。该项目是奥巴马总统为飓风桑迪重建工作而提出的城市复原力创新竞赛,欧文克是该工作组主席的高级顾问。此外,他还曾任荷兰规划和水资源事务总干事和国家空间规划主任。
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Shenzhen Center for Design