受深圳市投资控股有限公司委托,与深圳市建科院合作,制定了深圳湾科技生态园的城市设计方案。项目位于深圳湾的高新区,用地20.3万㎡,总建筑面积134万㎡,容积率高达6.9! 既要有人性化商业空间,又要有清静的研发空间,还要有利于快速建造和避免高密度的压迫感,有效地做法,是将有限的地皮掰成几层来利用。设计中心通过案例分析和公开的工作坊,集思广益,最终采用了多层城市的概念。多层城市的内容包括:街巷广场层、网络花园层、空中庭院层等三重的公共、半公共空间。在高密度的约束条件下,最大限度地创造了宜人空间与绿地。最终通过绘制空间控制图,指导了下一步的建筑设计竞赛。这是中心第一个与委外合作的项目,但值得自豪的是,在一个多月的紧迫时间内,方案得到了业主的高度赞赏。现建筑方案已定,正在施工,期待4年后的竣工!
This project was commissioned by the Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., and collaborated with the Shenzhen Institute of Building Research. It mainly primes the urban design of the Technology and Ecology City in Gaoxin, Nanshan and assists in the preparation of the architectural design competition.
Facing challenges of tight construction schedule and budget yet huge floor area and quality design and construction, SCD made use of its own advantages to carry out multiple open brain storming sessions and workshops to work out the design and construction strategy as multiple layers of ground. The strategy splits the limited land into three layers that are accessible to the public to fulfill the need for user-friendly commercial space, comprehensive services and amenities, high-density development return, peaceful research and development space, exhibition and other functional requirements on the same piece of land, as well as taking into account the requirements of fast and economical construction. The highlight is a Web Garden located at 8.4m high, or the second ground level which makes it easy for people to use public transportation to get to the site and surrounding areas, reduce the traffic jam, but also combines “life ”, “ work ” and “leisure ” together. As a pilot study of ultra-high density urban development and the first social commission, the project was principally recognized by the developer, authorities, government and the professional community. The urban design concept finally served as a space control guide in the master plan to guide the architectural design competition thereafter. Currently the design scheme has been set. The project is under construction and is expected to be completed after four years.
Project Area: 203,000 square meters
Gross Construction Area: 1.218 million square meters
Plot Ratio: 6.9